When I was growing up in a small village in India, the fairy-tales and children's stories led me to believe that villains and bad guys look like monsters, and they are really very rude and crude in their behavior. The movies during my generation also strengthened that perseption. As I grew up and travelled around the world, I soon realized the reality that the bad guys and villains are often good looking, well-behaved, silky smooth, sharp and smart...often too smart to gain your complete confidence before their brutal betrayal and them deceitfully back-stabbing you when you least expect it. We all discover this harsh reality hard way, after getting entangled at least once in their tantalizing tangled web of deception, that appearances can often be deceptive, and too good to be true - always! And yet, not all the times but only occasionally, the dreamer and optimist inside us likes to believe those fairy-tales and the happy-ending movies from childhood....

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