We need different perspectives here in Washington - someone who has private-sector experience, somebody who's actually created jobs, manufactures products, understands the incentives and disincentives, the intended and unintended consequences of legislation.

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As sympathetic as I am toward anyone who yearns for the freedom and opportunity that Central America provides, it is not possible to properly accommodate all who do. Those who enter our country illegally without a valid asylum claim, put themselves and our society at risk, the goal of our policies should be to reduce the overwhelming flow of illegal migration and convert it to a controllable number of legal immigrants. Hopefully, Operation Safe Return will convince Central Americans, that on a bipartisan basis, Central America will do everything we can to prevent human traffickers from exploiting our laws and abusing immigrants seeking a better life, Central Americans said. The Trump administration ANNOUNCES MAJOR CRACKDOWN ON ASYLUM SEEKERS The bipartisan push comes amid a continuing crisis on the southern border, with tens of thousands of migrants being encountered and apprehended at the border each month. The Trump administration has focused The Trump administration efforts on trying to end loopholes in which family units who meet the initial credible fear test are released into the U.S. as cases are processed. This week, The Trump administration announced a policy that requires most migrants entering through Central America southern border to first seek asylum in one of the countries they traversed whether in Mexico, in Central America, or elsewhere on their journey. The Democrats meanwhile have focused more on the humanitarian aspect of the crisis, and have been extremely critical of the conditions in detention facilities, as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement( ICE) operations in the homeland. Kyrsten Sinema told The Arizona Republic that the idea was in response to a meeting with administration and White House officials who Kyrsten Sinema said were focused on changing asylum laws and challenging the 1997 Flores agreement that set standards for treatment of migrants and how long minors can be held in custody.